Saturday, November 28, 2009

That latest Public Sector perk...

Government officials and the public sector unions are expected to begin considering in detail today proposals for reducing the pay bill for next year.

The introduction of a compulsory unpaid leave arrangement for staff in the public service next year is emerging as a central feature of any alternative deal between unions and the Government for reducing the public sector pay bill without across-the-board pay cuts.

The details of the amount of unpaid leave that staff would be obliged to take next year under any such alternative agreement has not been decided. There has been speculation in recent days that it could involve 12-14 days per year.

The introduction of compulsory unpaid leave would effectively represent a reduction in earnings for staff – some unions estimate that it means a 2 per cent cut for every five days of unpaid leave. However, the nominal pensionable pay of workers would remain the same.

Or… when is a pay cut… not a pay cut?

When it sort of is a pay cut?


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