Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kucinich: "The Class Warfare Is Over -- We Lost"

By Sahil Kapur Dec. 17, 2009

Reflecting on the growing divide between Wall Street and Main Street, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) on Wednesday offered a powerful critique on the state of the economy in an open committee hearing.

“The class warfare is over — we lost,” Kucinich said before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. “I want to make that announcement today. Working people lost.  The middle class lost.”

The harrowing comments from Kucinich, who is Chairman of the Domestic Policy Subcommittee, come amidst a national unemployment rate of 10 percent, one year and several months after the economic collapse of 2008 has marred the livelihoods of many.

Washington, Nov 17, 2008 - Kucinich on Gulf War Illnesses and the Health of Gulf War veterans

On the heels of the release of a landmark report about new scientific discoveries regarding Gulf War Veterans Illnesses (GWVI), Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) renewed his call for an increase in research funding and made the following statement:

“One in four veterans of the first Gulf War suffers from Gulf War Veterans Illnesses.  We absolutely cannot allow the research to be stopped.  We must relentlessly pursue treatments for their condition.  When Congress reconvenes in 2009, I will request $60 million for research funding, in accordance with the Research Advisory Committee’s report recommendations.

Congressman Kucinich has consistently led the bipartisan Congressional effort to counter the Bush Administration’s efforts to cut funding for GWVI research. Congressman Kucinich has secured $18 million in research funding for GWVI research since 2006.

The report released today by the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses, “Gulf War Illnesses and the Health of Gulf War Veterans,” also found that two of the causes for GWVI are exposure to pesticides and drugs administered by the Army to protect soldiers from nerve gas.

“This report provides further evidence that our scientific understanding of Gulf War Veterans Illnesses has taken extraordinary leaps in the last few years.  The time is ripe for us to build on these discoveries to identify treatments for our soldiers whose medical needs are simply not being met.


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