Some people ask me about church membership. These people aren’t trying to cause a problem but they don’t know much of anything. My family took me to a Missionary Baptist Church until I was 17. Then I realized that church wasn’t the answer to our problems and was only causing us more problems. So I left the Missionary Baptist Church and want nothing to do with Church Denominations.
I have come to the same conclusion about organizations and political parties. They have the same problems as the church. They are social clubs to keep people happy and give them a sense of belonging. It is nice to have a place to belong in the church and politics but it isn’t required to make a difference. I don’t know of a single church or organization that has done anything productive in society. All you need to do is look at society and come to that conclusion. Churches are everywhere and a hand full of political groups are around but society is in a downward spiral. A few nut jobs think it is the end of the world and they are beyond stupid. I don’t know how they even get up in the morning and live their lives. What a bunch of insane people!
My opinion on churches and political organizations could change but it wont be very easy to make me change my mind. I don’t need a church or organization to voice my opinion about what is right and wrong. Churches do nothing to promote Christianity and then neutralize their own people with the rapture lie. It is like becoming a millionaire and then giving it all to your wost enemy. Church is the opposite of what it is supposed to be. It is neutralized instead of on the march in society.
I have spent a lot of time researching Christianity and Politics. One of the things I found out is that the modern church has no impact on society. I like to call it the neutralized church. Now lots of preachers are immoral savages who have girlfriends on the side or maybe even a boyfriend on the side! These degenerates have to be excused because of their mental retardation and of course they will burn in hell with all the other sinners in the World. My point is to focus on those “good” Christians who attend Church every Sunday and Wednesday.
Most people attend a church because it is close to home. My family is living proof of that statement. They attend church down the street from their home and wouldn’t drive much more to go to a worship service. This is common with old people and lazy people of all ages. They attend these churches for convenience. These might have been Positive Christianity churches in the past. However their particular church is very neutralized and neo conservative. They will talk all day about hobbies and the State of Israel but nothing about Border Security and Economic Nationalism. They don’t see that as important or even a moral issue. These churches are drunk on their own stupid man made beliefs that have no impact on society. You will notice that these churches avoid issues in their communities because they don’t wont to get involved. They stick with their new found religion to cover up their laziness.
What is the role of a church? Each church should answer that question. What is your role in society? You have a building and members but no purpose? I think churches need to write their own purpose driven life! Most of these churches are ignorant of everything historic and religious. So they don’t know anything about Christian Nationalism and Christian Reconstruction Theology! Christian Nationalism means that Christians should have loyalty to the nation and society. They should be involved in all aspects of the system and work to make things better. This work should be based on family values and morals. Christian Reconstruction means that society is the opposite of Christian and needs to be reconstructed. This is done through business, government, and society. We are to work to reform our entire society and reconstruct it according to Christian family values and morals.
You wont find a church that believes in Christian Nationalism and Christian Reconstruction. These churches and members are brainwashed into the most liberal and lazy lifestyle in the history of the World. Older people are the most brainwashed of them all. They have been told for years to put all faith and trust in Jesus Christ and he will solve our problems. They have spent their entire lives going to church and praying that God will fix the World or for Jesus Christ to return. They spend their day trying to make sure “they’ are right with the Lord because he might “return at any time” as they have been told. This is nonsense. They have literally spent their entire lives watching the World decline because they left the battlefield.
Our society has declined and has become majority immoral because churches aren’t doing their job. Church has become a building for lazy people to gather together and pray that somebody else will fix their problems! It wont happen and it never will happen in 10,000 years. We The People can solve our problem with God’s direction and favor. God only helps those who help themselves!
I have spent the past 9 years sharing Christianity with the public and never once got into an argument with a atheist or secular humanist. Only with church members who have spent their entire lives making the church a neutralized building of weak minded people. They can’t stand me because I am a Christian Nationalist and Christian Reconstructionist. I find a bit of amusement in the fact that these “Baptist Preachers” think they are the heart and soul of Conservatism and the Republican Party. They are more like the heart and soul of the movement to neutralize Christian Conservative Voters!
We The People must become Christian Conservative Nationalists and reconstruct our society. We must fight for nationalism and social order in our nation. We can’t let liberals in and out of the church destroy Western Civilization. I encourage my fellow Christians to expose these fake Christians and remove them from the church and our communities. They don’t have any right preaching their liberal neutralized religion in our nation. Take these churches over or say to hell with them and become an Independent Christian like myself and hundreds of thousands of others!
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