Clear as Mud
Health care reform
Single Payer
Nancy Pelosi hates Democracy?By poetryman69
Now that Nancy Pelosi knows her side would lose, she was to violated the constitution with a pick axe and let a money bill originate in the senate.
Passing Commie Care without voting on it
Commies want to avoid direct vote on Marxist Medicine.
Oh Really Obama?By poetryman69
Even when they’re not lying: They’re lying
The Limbaugh deception
Bankrupting MedicareBy poetryman69
What happens when a financially strapped Government program is stripped of half a trillion dollars? It goes bankrupt.
The logical result of Obama taking $500 Billion out of Medicare when it is underfunded as it is, will be bankruptcy.
Has anyone told those who are sick, poor and old that the rug is about to pulled out from under you?
How do you know Obama can do it?By poetryman69
How do you know Obama can save half a trillion dollars on Medicare?
You don’t.
In fact you know he probably can’t. After all, Obama just presented the 2011 budget and it was in deficit by $1.2 trillion. In the entire federal budget there are dozens if not hundreds or thousands of programs. Obama says he can save half a trillion in just one government program. He should have been able to save at least one or two trillion with that many programs to cut. But he didn’t.
So Obama fails the test by not balancing the budget.
One can almost see little Barry with big crying eyes blubbering that little Georgie never balanced a budget neither!!!
Barry, Barry, Barry.
Is this the standard of excellence they teach at Harvard? What the other guy did on the test?
Is the standard of excellence in community organizing. Wait a minute, there is no standard of excellence for community organizing. You could phone that in! In fact, that explains everything.
Obama Breaking the Law?By poetryman69
Is President Barack Hussein Obama breaking the law? If he knows exactly where to find $500 billion of waste, fraud and abuse in the Medicare budget and he fails to take immediate action to stop it isn’t he aiding and abetting violations of law? Isn’t he engaged in a conspiracy in furtherance of a criminal enterprise? Doesn’t this meet the test of “high crimes and misdemeanors?”
If, on the other hand, Obama relents and says he only kinda, sorta knows where half a trillion dollars is…Well…hmmm. With the exception of Bernie Madoff, have you ever known of anyone who said he kinda, sorta knows where $500 billion is?
Saving $.5 trillion?President Barack Hussein Obama claimed that he could save half a trillion dollars on Medicare. But Medicare is only one government program. In his 2011 budget Obama dealt with dozens if not hundreds of government programs. If he really is so good at ferreting out waste, fraud and abuse then surely there would be a multiplier effect when dealing with the whole budget. In fact, if Obama can really save $500 Billion on one program he should have been able to save over a $1 trillion on the federal budget as a whole so why didn’t he? Why was Obama’s 2011 budget $1.2 trillion in the red? Where did that deficit come from?
Perhaps there was no waste, fraud or abuse in the rest of the government. In fact, maybe Obama inherited from George Bush a federal bureaucracy that was so sound that it runs like a Swiss watch with 100% efficiency. In fact since, after a year of looking, Obama could find no waste, fraud or abuse in the non-Medicare part of the budget one wonders why we needed Obama or that much ballyhooed change at all. Surely a third installment of that movie Revenge of the Shrubbery: When Bushes Attack starring John McCain would have done just as well as Obama. That is, if there was no waste, fraud or abuse that Obama could find and cut out of the entire government apparatus. After all, George Bush ran the government for 8 years, surely he left some shoddy workmanship somewhere in federal government.
Makes you wonder if that $500 Billion that Obama claims he could save is vaporware, smoke and mirrors, illusory.
Obama’s Budget in the red before Health Care
If you like the Post Office you’ll love ObamaCare
No Wealth
How to Bankrupt a Nation
President Karl Marx…A Love Story
Creating Wealth
Wishing Well
Constellation of Idiots
Whose fault is it?
Post Consumerism
How to Plunder a Nation
Selling Zero
The Most Corrupt Politicians in Washington
Dictionary of Dreams
It is better to be Drunk than Wasted
Online Job Search
Government Work
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Job Search for the Older Worker
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