Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stuff that isn't making sense to me

I have lived over half century, been through a few recessions and seen some things happen in my life.  I am no different than most my age and there are quite a few of us around.

For some reason it appears the important stuff they aren’t publicizing anymore, they focus on what they think people want to read, instead of the stuff that is newsworthy.

It is almost as if the media is being manipulated.

I read an article by Dr. Doom today.  He accurately forecast most everything that happened in 2007 and 2008, and started getting out of his “Doom” role a few months back and now is warning the world about the Mother of Carry Trades.

Being a non investor layman, I am seeing what he is describing happening with huge currency flows from commodities, to stocks, to currency, as if it didn’t know where to go and park for a while, as no place was secure.

Many companies beat profit expectations but in most cases the overall revenue is down.  Unemployment is rising faster than expected, hitting 10.2% and I am reading more lay off notices. not only in America. but abroad.

No one mentions what technology has to do with all of this.  I think that we have built a robotics world efficient enough to replace many occupations and now we are largely servicing one another and have job titles no one understands.  Who needs them to survive?

It is not about optimism or pessimism, it is about reality.  Maybe I’m wrong, I hope I am for the benefit of those who may suffer.

China took another stab at the US over the weekend in respect to the weakening dollar and told Uncle Sam to get its fiscal house in order.  When the US currency drops, so does the value of China’s investments in the US.

After what happened after Wall Street buckled to its knees, I don’t think the Chinese will appreciate their investments disappearing in front of their noses.

No, I don’t understand this at all.  Banks are getting money for next to nothing and loans are costing a lot more.

Maybe I should just not try to understand this.  After all it isn’t doing me any good being right about the future, nothing I can do about it anyway.


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