Saturday, January 9, 2010

So How DO We Create Jobs Mr. President?

Is anyone else as sick as I am about all this talk from this administration with no substance, no sign of ambition and total disregard for this country? You can talk all you want about creating jobs but it doesn’t do a damned thing. We have been waiting for results ever since you took the helm. You attacked Bush and McCain on the campaign trail about it during a time when the unemployment rate was much lower! Yet, somehow more and more people are still getting laid off every month nearly a year into your administration.

They can keep coming out in public saying that job creation is a top priority. Unfortunately thats not going to cut it any more because you’ve told us that since the campaign for the first stimulus package last February. That was supposedly going to create jobs and give the economy the emergency jump-start it needed. You were going to be transparent about it and even went through the trouble of creating a website,, to prove it. What we got was nothing but 700 billion dollars in wasted money. If your going to make jobs a priority, Don’t you think is might be a little important to understand how the job market works?

The healthiest market is one that is self-sustaining. For those of you who don’t know what that means, It’s one without government interference. Businesses don’t hire because they’ve been given extra money to spend because that not a self-sustaining job. When the funds run out whoever was temporarily hired will get laid off again. It’s just the way the market works. That is all the stimulus has done, though. Any growth that we saw was artificial and therefore temporary.

Employers look for work when they need it. That is when it is profitable for them to do so. In order for most retail businesses to be profitable, people have to be buying their product. When you raise taxes on the people they have less money that can go towards spending. As a result, business goes down and layoffs are the next step and it becomes a vicious circle.

The other way government hurts business is when you have a product that is in high demand. In other words people need to live to standards here in America. Arguably, oil and automotives can be considered a good example of this. These are businesses that are regulated and pounded by standards in every step of production. Whether is be the extracting and refining of oil which is becoming more and more prohibitively expensive not because the labor is that intensive, but rather the government weighs everything down like a parasite. In addition, the reason the auto industry has been so hard hit is because they are pounded with EPA requirements every step of the way. If it’s not the government interfering, it’s the unions. These are issues that could all be easily resolved in the free market, which has worked everywhere it’s tried yet we still trash it.

So having said this what does this mean for our economy?

This economic situation our government has catapulted us into cannot be sugar coated. This administration in many ways has put this country on a collision course for disaster. Just look at the historical examples. This country will continued to be weighed down and I’d be very surprised if we saw any improvement in the jobs market over the next year. This is why the importance of the 2010 election cannot be stressed enough. The dynamics of the government right now unfortunately is incapable of fixing this economy because it won’t consider anything that will repair this economy. They have created a reality that does not exist and it could have substantial consequences on the future of this nation.


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