Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday thoughts...

“There are two fools in this world.  One is the millionaire who thinks that by hoarding money he can somehow accumulate real power, and the other is the penniless reformer who thinks that if only he can take the money from one class and give it to another, all the world’s ills will be cured.”  ~Ibid.

The reason this is so is because the million dollars is not what makes a millionaire, the journey to attaining it makes one so.  Yes, there are many individuals who have a million that they did not earn it themselves.  They gained it through inheritance, chance or happenstance.  And, yes, the world does call them a millionaire, but the lack of discipline that the journey provides is often the downfall of many a millionaire who never traveled the road.  Some of those who inherit it have walked the walk with that family member or friend and gained much of the experience of the journey; they developed some discipline along the way and they are far less likely to lose it quickly.  This is the reason that most lottery winners end up in much worse circumstances than before they won; there is no respect for the gift.  Folks say, “If I only had more money, things would be different.”  No, if you had more money, you would just be more of what you already are.  The money won’t change who you are, only the journey will change who you are.  I have said for years that the value of almost anything is in the journey.  No matter what your destination is, the journey will change your life forever.   I just started another blog yesterday on the classic book, Pilgrim’s Progress, Journey.  This is my favorite book of all time because the journey is what molds and shapes the main character into the new person he so desires to become.  He makes tremendous mistakes and has tremendous victories. 

I know that this journey will change me forever; I fully expect it to.  My journey to Carnegie Hall changed me forever.  My journey to my college degrees changed me forever.  My journey to pour my life out helping those in need has changed me forever.   BUT, all of this has moved me, each time,  a step up in wisdom, power, knowledge and relisience.  As you move up the side of the mountain, you have clearer vision of everything!  You can see things you couldn’t see when you were closer to the valley.  I have had my share of valleys too.  There are some songs that can only be sung in the valley…I have sung them all.  

A man once said to me that he had worked in the steel mill 30 years and hated every day of it.  Oh my, what a waste of life!   We MUST have goals to create a quality journey!  An old cliche…If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?  You won’t.  Habakkuk says to “write the vision and make it plain upon the tables that he may run that readeth it.  For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall not lie.  Though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not tarry.”  That means to set your vision in stone so that not only you can know your direction every day but so that others can run with you.  And, even though there will come times that it seems as if your goal is dying, or seems stagnant, or seems not to be moving ahead, or feels lost, or feels defeated, or is just so hard to to keep moving with…don’t give up!…for it is for an appointed time, and it will surely come!

I do hope you join me in this journey.  What a great time we will have.  ~Rita


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